Sometime early this semester, I took a cab down to my uncle's house here in Florida. I went there to pick up my car that was packed in his garage. It was a white neighborhood. I am black LOL. I called my uncle and he gave me the password to to get into the house. I opened the house once without fussing or nothing. The neighbors were clearly starring at me. Some idiots called the police on me and my friends and reported a burglary. Who does burglary in the daytime when everyone's watching? Even in a burglary, there's some kind of "breaking into" the house or property. I just opened the garage once and they called the cops on me. The reason was obvious, but let's skip that and pretend it's not the reason (P.S. Use your digression to reason it out). The police came, bent us over, ruffed us up, checked our IDs and all and he felt so damn stupid when he realized that we were not breaking into nothing. I laughed my ass out at his ugly ass and the neighbors felt so dumb. They came apologizing and all. I shoulda sued their asses for profiling. But that's not the reason for this post today... The video posted below had me annoyed almost immediately I saw it. There is no damned reason under the sun why a policeman should touch a child.. No damn reason. It just annoys me to see that the police abuse the responsibility given to them everyday. I really hope this police man lost his job and everything he stands for. He should probably lose his life too. No pun intended but this kid has guts too.. Just a sad thing he didnt have enough guts to slap the sense back into this police man. LOL. Watch the vid, please share and comment on your views. Thank you very much