Monday, November 15, 2010

Chiddy Bang - Mashup Mondays

When I first saw their first single on, "opposite of adults" I was like wow, this niggas go hard(well 1 nigga goes hard cause the other person is white, he goes hard too btw he's just not a A few weeks after that, that same single was featured on 106&park; then I thought to myself "damn this niggas is getting know I used "niggas: again, I felt like :P,I also used "is" in the prior sentence on Since then tho, I have been hearing from them from either twitter hookups, TV shows or just random browsing.

The random browsing I did today however lead me to find out that they were featured on a segmrnt on called "mashup mundays". I did not know honestly that they were this popular, I mean to be featured on is not an easy feat to accomplish.

Basically tho in this video, the black dude just freestyles,  incorporating in his verses, a set of words that were voted by people. I mean this guy goes hard on his bars mhen and his partner (#nohomo) played the guitar, he raps to that "don't happy" single that I do not know who sang and then after the freestyle, they are quickly interviewed. PS: The black dude that raps in the video is NIGERIAN!!!!!!! yeah!!!!, we have game in our country, it's just a matter of time before people start to really notice us.

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