Thursday, December 16, 2010

Usher Kicked in the Face by Fan Onstage

We all know Usher has always had a huge female fan base don't we? I mean before his pretege: Justin Bieber and the likes of Trey Songs, Jeremih and Jason Derulo (I hate these guys, damn, they take all our girls without he was like the only celeb ladies Anyways though, when he was performing in Madison Square Garden, New York on the 13th of December, thats like 3 days ago, he chose one lucky lady to be on stage with him while he was performing "Trading Places"(I know every female reading this is probably jealous already). Things were going very well and the performance was sexy until......(Guess?), you are right...SHE KICKED HIM IN THE FACE. It was kinda funny, but because he's Usher, he did very well trying to cover it up.

Words of advice; The compilers of this video made it 10 minutes so that you could see the whole performance and what led to what, well, I'll tell you that the 1st 9 minutes are kinda boring, the last minute is where the "ACTION" took place so if you are just stopping by at the blog and you don't have much time, you can fast foward to the 9th minute or else you could just watch the whole thing, IT'S YOUR CHOICE!!!!!!

P.S. Christmas is next week, what are y'all getting me?

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