Sunday, December 19, 2010

Slutty Demi Lovato Photos Hit the Web

OK so it's now safe to say that Disney is a Training Camp for future wild party At this point, it's almost certain that if your female child is a young Disney star, she will grow wild at approximately 16 years of age. When Lindsey Lohan, Gwen Stefani and Britney Spears eveolved to the "new women" they are now, everyone taught it was maybe a coincidence, but with Miley and Demi continuing the trend, its now becoming more of a tradition.

About a week or two after Miley's bong video(which might have been removed by the user already), some really sexy photos of Demi Lovato have crept up on the internet. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying she shouldn't grow up, as a matter of fact, I'm loving the grow up process, but I mean she should try to make that to herself even though that's really hard cause she is a celeb, I'm sure there's a bunch of celebs that have their "terrible acts" undercover. I mean everybody grows up and does some things that they are not exactly proud of but the key is to "not ever get caught doing those things".

So now that that's done, the picture is posted below and I have to say...

...this picture is sexy as hell, more of this please!!!!

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