Tuesday, December 28, 2010

50 Cent Takes Hustle to the Next Level

So after selling out on G-UNIT sneakers, getting a $100 million settlement for vitamin water and many multi platinum albums, Fiddi has come up with a new idea for money making this winter and it's simply to "go to your neighbors and ask to help them with their snow shoveling, in return you'll get a $100, seems ambitious init? Well, that's exactly he was doing on Monday in areas around his Connecticut home as he tweeted, "I'm going out to shovel snow and see if I can make me a few extra dollars today" When it got to hard for him though, he employed a few kids to help him out, the picture below shows him handling a shovel full of snow in it, I've got to say that's hard work and with the weather, the job difficulty is doing that. Oh well, if a multi million dollar mas can do it, who am I not to be able to.

Lesson Learned: You'll never be to rich or important to participate in manual labour, nice lead Fiddi! Now instead of shooting and robbing as potrayed in Hip-Hop videos, the youth are gonna be mowing the grass instead :)

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