This is all a rumor, dont get hyped up!!
It is not yet confirmed, but we have news that our brother Omarion might be gay (If you wonder why I used "gay" instead of "bi", it's cause a man cannot be "bi", he's either gay or straight). There is a good side to this rumor(if it's confirmed true) though, want to know what it is? There will be more girls out there for me to hook up Don't feel too bad females, there's a good chance he's not gay. Anyway, below is what Omarion "allegedly stated that might have sparked the rumor:
“I pride myself in being an honest, God Fearing, respectful man. I have kept my personal life private and wanted to keep it that way. Unfortunately, other’s are interested in profiting from my anguish; so before they can do that, i will clarify things. I am not at all what certain ex-band members are trying to paint me as, I am however a respectable, mature, proud, bisexual man"Haha, this is really funny tho, whoever put that up reminds me of "Gangstalicious" from the "Boondocks" I took time out to cut out some pictures for those of you that didn't watch boondocks when it was on air, btw you can still watch it online, it's available on many websites, just Google it. Below are some pics from the carton series

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Is there a possibility that Omarion might be Bi? I hope he is, that's more girls for me (JK...LOL).
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